In fact nonverbal communication is as important as the verbal one , we often communicate through sings and body language . Our facial expression can give a new connotation to a word . In the following lines I will tell you a few things that might seem useless at first sight but on a long-term perspective will make significant improvements in your communication abilities . As a result productivity at your job will increase and your message will be heard properly without any deformations. So let's get started , here are the tips ,rules and facts :
1) Became a good listener - its s crucial part of the conversational process , the best speakers are also great listeners . By listening to a person you can track their state of emotion at that moment , analyzing the movements of their face you can find out the true meaning behind the words their sending you . If you are put in the situation where you interlocutor is telling you about a problem that he or she has , or a decision that she or he made and didan't went that well try not to put questions .....just listen. A other thing that you should not do is that of giving advice or even worst say things like "If i was in your place i surely haden't did that". Phrases like this create a deep levels of frustration from you interlocutor .
2) Try not to judge others through you own personal values - You should think of the fact that each one of us come from different backgrounds , social classes , ethnic groups and religious environments . Saying to a person that you disagree with his costumes and that yours are betters will generate a huge amount of drama eventually . Understand that conflicts based on values have no solution and will create a constant battle between you and people with values different from yours .
3) Debates on projects and management issues should include people with different ideas - You wold be surprised but the most amazing ideas are born from debates that value diversity . Try no to oppress individual who see things differently from you , try to analyse their ideas , many times they can be very useful . In modern business organization this concept take the name of the Management of Diversity.
4) Don't take decision based on emotions and intuition - This is very important , decision taken on emotional impulses are usually regretted later. Try to base your decisions on logical analysis of facts.
5) Try not assimilate destructive and unproductive behaviors from parental models - Parental models are represented by our parents , teachers , professors and managers . Being people that we spend a lot of time with we can assimilate subconsciously behavior traits from them . This is especially toxic to us when people like this are characterized by autocratic features . The best way you can avoid this "infestation" is to have strong personal values that you hold on strong to . More simply said to have a good sense of whats good and whats bad.
6) " Good communication comes along with feeling of inferiority" - What dose quote wants to say? It refers to the fact that individuals who are insecure and have poor communion skill will impose their point of view on their interlocutors . Thous who have good skill in creating communication channels don't feel the need to adopt a autocratic behavior , even more they will adopt inferior positions in front of autocratic speakers knowing their lack of ability to have a decent dialog .
7) Adjust you body language to the message you want to transmit - Try to adapt your facial movements and body language to the type of message you want to transmit this means that during business meeting you should use both a proper selection of words , the position of your body should reflect you professional position .
8) Clarity of words , tone and word selection - This is very important especially if we talk about speaking in front of work mates , groups and crowds . We should pronounced the words properly without changing their structure . The tone must be appropriate , not to low but not to high. The selection of words we use is very important , we should think about the topic we will talk about and if the audience that will hear our message is familiarized with it or its a new subject for them . This aspect will decide if we will use the scientific terminology of that field or we will use less scientific terms and we will give explanations for each one of them.
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