A: "Law system" is a term that reunites notions like : norms , regulation , jurisprudence and judicial practices that a state uses in order to maintain social and economic balance within its borders .
Q: Isan't it hard for a state to regulate all the social and economic activities from across its territory?
A : The law system is divided in to a number of branches like : Civil Law , Penal Law , Commercial Law , Administrative Law and so on , each of this branches regulates a certain social or economic sector.
Q: What is a constitution?
A: The constitution can be simply defined as the basic set of laws that make up the ""foundation" of a state. In the content of the constitution we find which language or languages have official status in a country , which is the national capital , the national symbols (flag , coat of arms) , the regime of the administrative institutions , regulations of the economic sector and so on . Constitutional Law is the judicial branch which deals with issues related to the constitution , but the interest area of this branch goes beyond the constitution. The constitution acts as a foundation for all the other judicial branches.
Q: Do all the states of the world have identical law systems?
A: No , that wold be quite impossible because the law system is directly influenced by factors like : culture , resources , economic development and environment . As a results we can see around the world a vast variety of law systems , there are cases in which the law system is based on religious believes (ex: The Islamic Law System which is common to the Middle East and some african states) or law system in which common law has the biggest importance.
Q: What is the common law?
A: The common law presents the unwritten part of the law system , it is represented by judicial costumes which formed over a long period of time . In a system like this costumes have a bigger power then the written law - ex: in the case of a person who is convicted for a crime , the penalty will be calculated based on previous similar cases .
Q: Which are the law systems that are used in countries around the world?
A: 1.The Anglo-Saxon (Anglo-American) Law System -used in : U.K. , U.S.A. , Canada , Australia and other nations and territories that were part of the British Colonyal Empire .
2.The Roman-German Law System - used in Continental Europe.
3. The Islamic Law System - used in the Middle East , Iran , Pakistan and some african nations.
4.The Law System of Africa and Madagascar .
5. Other mixed systems .
Q: Which judicial field is the most prone to regular changes?
In my opinion the most dynamic judicial sector is the administrative one . Administrative law regulates the relations between administrative institutions , citizens and private organizations . The role of the administration is that of creating a bridge between the local communities which they serve and the central administrative power. The most important role that the administration has is that of solving the various conflicts that can appear between it and individuals and other organizations and implementing the law and monitoring the way citizens obey it.
Q:Whats the difference between state administration and public local administration?
A: State administration describes the administrative organs which serves ministries and that don't provide services for the general public. Public local administration is a term which describes the state-owned institutions which which provide services for the general public , this institutions can have their activities based on solving administrative issues or providing services like : water supply , gas supply , television and other.
Q: Secretary vs. Management Assistant . What's the difference?
Secretary - administrative function that deals primarily with public relations , administration of documents , archives and correspondence .
Management assistant - administrative function which focuses on solving complex management issues and is from a hierarchical point of view one step lower then the manager.
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