Saturday, October 26, 2013

Church Ladies . Women who changed the face of faith : Ellen G.White

Disclaimer : The article analyzes the way in which photography can help translate personality feature of a subject at a visual level , it dosen't attempt to put in a good or bad light the historical figure who is the subject of the article or the religious group that she is part of . No religious propaganda is intended .
Church history was most of the time hardly influenced by male figures , many would try to point out the fact that women had no power over the development of the church over time.  It is true that women didn't play big roles when we bring in discussion the evolution of the church from a organizational perspective , but nobody can deny the role played by women in defending and spreading of the christian faith. 
  All of this changed in the late 18th century when two female figures left their mark on the history of the universal church with the religious movements that they initiated . Ellen G.White and Mary Baker G.Eddy were the two christian ladies from that time who's  new interpretation  of  faith and salvation translated in to movements that later evolved in to distinct churches.
    In this post  I will concentrate on the late founder of the Seventh Day Adventist Church : Ellen G. White . I will do a experiment  in which I will analyze a one of her representative portraits ,  trying to explain how facial features and boy language can give us and inside on a individuals interior world (personality traits , ideas , ambitions , fears , qualities , flaws) .

Portrait . We can easily classify this portrait as being a open composition do to the fact that the main figure gives the sensation of a direct eye contact with the viewers. The facial expression is cold , virtues such as meditation and rightfulness can be suggested by it ,also a sensation of timelessness comes in to plan. 
  The figure of the late adventist prophet has a central position in this composition giving a monumental position which translates very with her privileged position in the minds of the followers of the SDA. If we look closely we can spot a triangle formed by the positions of the hands and head , the triangle has a very high symbolic meaning in the Church , representing the unity between the three personas of the trinity : Father , Son and Holy Ghost.  
  The appearance of a triangle in the portrait composition isn’t really that surprising do to the fact that Ellen G.White was a believer in the doctrine of the trinity. The focal area of the portrait is the upper half where we find the arms and the head , this area is gathering the vital/dynamic elements of the composition . Both the arms and head are charged with symbolism .
   The head being the source of the thought process and also the gateway of prophecy from the divine. The arms and hands are the tools that the brain uses to translate divine messages in to a written form that can be understood by humans. The lower section of the portrait is in position with the upper section in terms of symbolic charge .
   The lower part of the dress takes almost all of the space of the lower section , with no body parts exposed here , the lower section has a static charge. Having a full view of the portrait we can assume that the photograph tried to highlight the spiritual-study oriented side of Ellen G.White’s personality , suggested by the exposure of the head and arms as “tools” designed for religious study and revelation . In contrast , the lower section is static with no body part exposed , Ellen’s lower half being covered by the conservative dress that she’s wearing. 
   This suggests the detachment from sexual needs , this being a essential feature of beings who got at a superior level o spirituality . Also it denotes to a some degree rigidity and sterility which are often associated with saints or spiritual beings .
    The color black takes a special place in this composition , translating in to a visual reality the christian ideas of eternity and abstinence . As a conclusion we can say that in this composition elements with high symbolic charge were very well manipulated in such way to highlight the key personality marks of the late adventist prophet and founder .

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