Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ontology. Understanding existence .

 Ontology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the matters related to existence  , it may seem a waist of time to research such a fundamental characteristic  that  is  attributed to every know entity to us , such as people , animals , objects , phenomena , actions , etc.  
  Rather then questioning the existence of entities , ontology tries to describe and translate in a theoretical language the characteristics that makes us define a entity as existent or not. This branch of philosophy also studies the way in which humans perceive existence . 
  Can we state that  our understanding  of existence as objective or subjective? Can we state that the way in which we perceive existence is 100% accurate all the time ? Why do people perceive the existence of certain entities in a different way? Ontology tries to give a answers  to each of the questions above , over time , within this branch of philosophy , two main ideological currents aroused , each of them giving us a different answer for the perception of  existence 
  1. The materialist statement : Its followers claim that  existence is the result of the whole of the entities with a material body from the universe , human perceive a entities with their senses (hearing , touch , smelling,etc) , those validating their existence. 
  This concept tries to neglect the way in which our senses  perceive certain entities from our environment , its very well known the fact that illnesses , and many other medical conditions in general , and especially those who fall in the spectrum of mental disorders , diminishes our sensors capacity to paint a accurate image of the entities we come in contact with . 
2. The immaterial statement : Tries to highlight the capital importance that our thought process and generally our mental framework have in our understanding of existence and of the environment . If we agree with this statement we take the following factors in consideration when we talk about human  understanding of existence: age , mental health , education and  physical disabilities .
   Age is a very important factor when it comes to our knowledge of existence , we perceive objects in different ways depending on our age .  For example , we can notice a huge difference when it comes to our knowledge of a car at the age of 5 , when we usually see it as a thing with wheels and the way we perceive it a the age of 20 when we see it as a complex system of mechanical components . 
   In both cases we can observe a huge difference in the knowledge of a entity , especially when it comes to its characteristics and components. Mental health and disabilities have a huge influence on a individual's perception of the environment in which he lives , even a common cold can make some of our senses nonfunctional and those limiting ability to correctly analyze the entities that we come in contact with , often receiving wrong  data about our environment . It is very well know the fact that metal illnesses can limit a individual's capacity to have a balanced relation with the environment . We can state the fact that reality is created in our minds and we translate it in the social world trough our behavior , way of thinking , gestures , etc . 
  As I mentioned earlier , the second current states that our perception of reality starts at our mental level and is exteriorized in the social world trough our behavior. 
 When we state that a entity exists we don't assume that it dosen't share common characteristics with other entities from the universe , or that all of its characteristics are exclusive to it . In order for a entity to be set apart from others it must have at least a particular characteristic that dosen't share with any other entity.
  As a conclusion we can state that existence can be labeled as both subjective and objective but the manner in which each individual perceives  it is purely subjective.

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