Monday, April 6, 2015

Dio mio, Dio mio...urbo de la Vaticano

In front of Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
So many times I talked with you, miaj karaj nerdoj, about culture, maybe ones that are different from what we encountered in the places we lived and visited, maybe some that seem quite alien to use and very unreachable.  Looking through the posts that I did until now I came to the conclusion that this blog is suffering from a lack of travel blog posts. Keeping this in mind, I decided to give you some pics and details about my trip to Vatican City that was at the end of the last month, March. The trip was quite interesting, the main objective was that of visiting the city of Rome which took quite a while to do so, we spent about 6 days in the Italian capital managing to visit all the main landmarks. The first impression that you’ll get about Rome will be that of an overcrowded city, with an intense feeling of suffocation, my first ride with the city’s metro was quite an adventure because the one from Bucharest was quite decent in regards to the number of people compared to the one from Rome. Now going back to the focus of this post, Vatican City, I must say that it’s a place that has more to hide then to be seen, by this I’m referring to the fact that before going on an actual organized tour of the place you will feel that all around you is quite obvious. The Vatican Museum has a huge collection of art, composed mainly by the rooms themselves through their mural paintings and decorations. We also had the occasion to take part in the religious ceremony dedicated to the holiday of Palm Sunday in Saint Peter’s Square, ceremony officiated by Pope Francis and attended by both Italians and foreigners. The ceremonial music was quite relaxing, the service had fragments in different languages (Italian, Latin, Tagalog etc) which gave a multicultural vide to the whole manifestation.

Big smiles before the beginning of the ceremony
One of the most amazing voices that you will ever hear
Technically not Vatican City
Saint Peter's Square as we saw it from the Basilica's dome

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