Friday, September 4, 2015

Europe: Drunk with hyprocricy and political correctness

Ukrainian girl during the days of the
Holodomor - the genocide that Europe didn't
have eyes to see. 
Looking at the news and at what is happening on social media in regards to the refugee crisis, I came to the conclusion that the majority of people lack any type of strong connection to the real world, and that some of them really need to start reading some history books, ‘cause it is quite obvious that many are basing all of their arguments on the information that is circulating on internet.
During the last days I’ve been called from “mean” to “heartless”, but that’s Ok, the same people who are always preaching the importance of the freedom of speech are the first to come in line and to cut you from saying anything that they might not have a solid argument to attack you with. So let’s go to the core of this article: How propaganda and political correct brainwashed us so badly that we are not seeing the danger that is ahead of us:
a.       What concerns me so much is not the passing of the immigrants from one country to the other until they reach they desired destination, not at all, what concerns me is if the host-countries really have the strength to socially integrate this people, and how long would that take? We have the Turkish communities from Germany that are present there from the ‘50s and still on the outskirts of society, they work the most miserable jobs that everybody is running away from, and they favoring the practice of endogamy – marriage only with a person that has the same ethnic background as you.
So what is the connection between the Turks and Arabs – first of all they are both ethnic groups that practice Islam, taking in to consideration that Turkey always had strong connections with Europe, its culture is to a certain extent more Europeanized, even so the social integration of the Turks that came in to Germany was almost non-existent do to a number of cultural characteristics that come in conflict with many central European values: an exacerbated patriarchal character, endogamy, anti-intellectualism, superiority complex etc. I would not say that Islam, in the case of the Turks, was the main impediment, but rather certain aspects of their cultural heritage.
b.      We must understand the fact that some cultures are just not compatible and are prone to conflicts which are centered on values, and such conflicts are almost impossible to resolve.
c.       The only chance that they might have to socially integrate is to not form homogeneous communities, to be spread all across cities, regions, so on. This will not be possible because they will have the instinct, which is natural and understandable, to stay together with their family, extended family, and friends. This will limit greatly their assimilation in to the mainstream European society.
d.      This communities will act as open gates for the spread of Islamic radicalism, I do not think that the majority of refugees come here with this intent but the second or third generation will be victims of Islamic sects which need agents which are already in Europe in order to spread their sick ides, and Yes, I am referring to Saudis which already are present even in Romania through all types of suspicious organizations under the form of charities. So this people will be used and manipulated by people that they will consider more credible then their European hosts.
e.       The manipulation and hypocrisy of the mass media skyrocketed, they are using every way possible to push EU countries to accept the refugees, and especially they are using images with very high emotional charge. The same Western press was the one that collaborated with the Soviet Union in the ‘30s when the Holodomor happened, also known as the Great Famine Genocide from Ukraine where from 7 million to 10 million people died of starvation as a result of Stalin’s ambition to ethnically cleanse Ukraine and Kuban of Ukrainians. A very big part of the victims were kids which died of hunger only because they were part of an ethnic group that was not wanted in the USSR by the Stalinist power. So stop playing so much with double standards! The majority of people believe that if they don’t see it on TV it just did not happen at all! If you truly are a humanist you should know this things better, and it is really shitty that you only use Facebook and the TV as your source of information.
f.       We all must understand that with this anti-Semitism will rise even more in Europe, and we all know that in France Jews don’t feel safe do to the Jewish hate which is spread by the Muslims that live there.
g.      We must take in to consideration thus communities will oppose any social progress do to the incompatibility that many European liberal social policies have with their cultural values.
h.      Making all kinds of stupid comparisons between the wave of migration and other ones that took place in the past is totally irrelevant for a couple of reasons:
1.      In the past, when the migrant groups from Asia were coming from the eat, Europe didn’t had states that were so homogeneous as the ones from the present, their legislative system were more shallow and not so evolved, and finally, nationalism did not came in to the scene.
2.      Mass media was not so present or did not exist at all.
3.      There were not so many NGOs that would defend and victimize anybody just for the sake of showing the world how humanity is so fucked up, and for motivating the money that they get from the EU budget.
i.        If this goes on, Europe will lose its role as advocate for social justice and scientific innovation as a result of its own delusional servitude towards political correctness.
j.        Anyone who will try to say something against this whole wave of sympathy towards the refugees will be labeled as a racism or as having severe mental problems, or even more simple then that, that he/she is a troll.

And finality will be…? 

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