Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sociological analysis on the island of Tristan da Cunha and its main settlement :Edinburgh of the Seven Seas. The influence of the marine environment in the evolution of the community.

I. Introduction:

 Sociology is the science that studies society at both a micro and macro level , analyzing it's evolution , identifying  the elements that are responsible  for social disorder and most important , designing strategies meant to neutralize it .

  The science of sociology uses a wide variety of methods , of theoretical and experimental nature , that mixed together  help us to make a accurate drawing of the a group's framework . A  framework can be defined as the as the fundamental elements that a group relied on when it constructed it's cultural identity , those the framework is the most static component .  It is the concept that describes a  group's hierarchical configuration :leadership, subordination , responsibility , power struggle ,group exclusion , positive and negative sanctions.

  Praxeological analysis is  more effective when it comes to shedding light on the nature of human action thus giving us valuable explanation    for the causes and effects of action performed by a group's members. The focus of this paper is to describe the impact that a group of natural and human factors had in the evolution of the most isolated human community in the world: Edinburg of the Seven Seas from the Island of Tristan da  Cunha.  This community numbers only   246  members and is positioned on the island of Tristan da Cunha , the biggest island of the archipelago with the same name , that has the statute of B.O.T. (British Overseas Territory) .
The concept mentioned earlier will help us understand the framework of the island's community , the role that each member plays , the natural factors that have impact on their lives and way in which this factors configured  the island's legislation .  The small number of inhabitants gives the tristanian society a interesting set o characteristic :
- society's polarization is reduced  :
- a better circulation of information .
- easiness when implementing social policies.
- better control over crime and deviance .

II Impact of marine  environmental factors on social behavioral patters and identity.

 It is a very well known fact that the natural environment can play a huge role in shaping a individual's personality  , people who live in remote  communities ,as the ones from Tristan da Cunha , tend to have  a limited range of social representations making their integration in big urban centers quite difficult 
The lives  of the tristanians is  dependent on the sea , we notice that even if the inhabitants have a limited set of social representations related to big urban centers , they have a  wide variety of social representations related to the marine world.

1The primary economic activity is fishing followed by agriculture ,  a interesting fact  that we must highlight here is the division of labor among the islanders , the workers of the fishing industry is led  by men as for farming , there both men and women work side by side. Men also are members in the local government or have administrative jobs within the institution ,  this labor division characterizes the traditional nature of the tristanians.
   A patriarchal society in which men hold managerial position and women do "the easy work".
Socialization is easier for children who grow up in such a community , behavioral patterns are more homogeneous  , social norms have a bigger stability in time and  the pressure to conform is higher . The mixture  of this factors can create a series of negative aspects as well :  rigidity , lack of evolution ,  traditionalism  and paranoia.
Health : The marine air is for generation a endless source of health for the island's inhabitants ,  no major epidemics where ever registered in Edinburg of the Seven Seas , a great contribution to the islanders health  is the cold marine air of the South Atlantic.
The air in this region of the world lacks impurities such as dust molecules or other impurities that can cause diseases  of the lungs  and  respiratory system.  The air  and water temperature are  other important factor ,  having a oceanic climate , Tristan da Cunha has a balanced temperature regime having a beneficial effect on the general state of health of the inhabitants.
II. Symbolism and representations
2Any community has a unique cultural identity , over the course of time this identity was translated in to symbols such as flags or coat of arms . In the coat of arms  of Tristan da Cunha all the elements are linked to the marine environment. Two Tristan rock lobsters are featured in the design , being a species indigenous to the island,  it is not surprising that it was picked as a element of the design . All the elements present in the coat of arms have very strong social representations in the island's culture thus the inhabitants  can quick links between the elements present in the coat of arms which  overlap with certain aspects of their  lives.

lll .Tristan da Cunha's maritime legislation

  Laws regarding the maritime sector unfold mainly from once source:
The constitution of Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cuhna , which has chapters dedicated to subjects as environment protection ,  water transport  and employment.
  Each territory has its own legislation which is based on the english common law but with differences primarily formed by the territories geographical position which is the main factor that shapes it's economy , population structure  and a series of other aspects. The main issues that the maritime law of the territory of Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha focuses on are the following:
   Taking in consideration that this overseas territory , like many others , is composed only of islands scatered in the waters of the Mid and South Atlantic , we can easily  understand  that each of this chapters will make references to some of maritime law's objects of study.
1. Delimitation of territorial waters -  The territorial waters extend 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the island's  baselines..
2.  regulation in the fishing industry.
3. water transport and  harbor  administration .

llla .Future perspectives for the progress of Tristan da Cuhna’s  economy.

  As a result of the constitutional  changes  that took place in 2009 , the three islands groups that made up  Saint Helena and Depencies were given equal status within the territory.  The most visible effect  of this change  was  a greater authonomy for Ascension and Tristan da Cunha .
  Management strategies for community development  were quickly designed in order to create a economic balance between Saint Helena , which was more developed do to its status of administrative center of the territory ,  and the other two island groups .
 1  Efficient  maritime management  will have a  crucial importance for the development of a  local economy on Tristan da Cunha  , this branch of the science of management tries to developed  effective economic strategies  in following areas  : exploitation of marine natural resources , environment protection , water transport  and  harbor administration  . In order to contour   the possible directions  that the tristanian economy  may take in the future , we must analyze the areas of interest for the vast domain of maritime management  and  to  extract from each one information that will be useful for the design of public policies for the island :

1.expoitation of natural marine resources : Tristan da Cunha  has a well  preserved  marine space , this is a result of the fact that  the island’s economy  is not exclusively based on fishing , the main economical sectors are  : agriculture ,fishing , services , shipping  and  tourism .Goods  that aren’t  produces on the island are usually imported  from Saint Helena  or  the  United  Kingdom .
  The diversification of Tristan da Cunha’s economy  came  as a  response  to  the  growing  importance  of  modern   technology  in the traditional economic activities of the islanders  thus  traditional  activities  as fishing became more efficient with the used  of  the latest  digital mapping  devices on bord  of fishing  vessels .
  The processing of fish products got easier do to the use of various automated tools  and modern  modern food processing techniques , as a result fish products became safer and meet the international regulations for export to other countries.


2. Protection of the environment  : The island experienced a few natural hazards until the present but in most of the  cases there were no reported human deaths ,the results were most of the times just material losses . The eruption of  Queen Mary’s Peak  in 1961 when the hole population was evacuated , they returned to the island in 1963 .  The eruption of the  vulcano was one of the very few noticeble natural hazards in island’s history  , other less important hazards  were represented by cyclones and fires.
  For a better prediction  of natural phenomena and environmental protection the local guverment should invest in the construction of a  monitoziation base on the island that would use advamced monitorization technology to spot instabilities in aer circulation that may generate powerful winds , storms or cyclones . The monitorization base could also detect any polution in the sea water and trasmit valuable information about any possible dangers to ships that passing through the territorial waters.
3. Water transport and harbor administration :  1Water transpor through the territorial waters of Tristan da Cunha was reduced significantly since the opening of the Suez Canal .  Having  just  a small fishing harbor in the town of  Edinbrugh of the Seven Seas , the island dosn’t represent a interest for big ships  that  pass near by .  The harbor from the island’s only settlement  can acommodate small passenger ships  and fishing vessles .
  The administration of  Edinburgh of the Seven Seas’s  little harbor is the responsability of the local goverment , until the present the harbor was mainly used  by fishing vessles , small passenger ships and ships that bring correspondence to the island.  Water transport in the territorial waters of Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha is regulated by british and international maritime law norms.

1. The public policies designed by the island’s concil encouraged the development of a balanced local economy .
2.  Edinbrugh of the Seven Seas harbor is designed only to acommodate fishing vessles and small passenger ships.
3.  Tristan da Cunha lost its strategic importance after the opening of the Suez Canal ,
4.  Before 2009 Tristan da Cunha and Ascension had the status of dependencies of Saint Helena ,  in 2009 they receved equal status within the territory which changed its name in to Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.
5.  Tristan da Cunha is the only inhabited island archipelago with the same name , the only settlement of the island is the little town of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.


1. British Overseas Territories Law , Ian Hendry and Susan Dickson , UK , Hart Publishing , 2011 .
2. The English of Tristan da Cunha , Arne Zettersten, UK: Echo Library, 2005.
3. Alexander Cotton from Hull to Head man of Tristan Da Cunha .
4. The Tristan da Cunha Island (author unknown).
5. Traditional Marine Management Areas  of the Pacific in the Context of National  and International Law and Policy ,  Marjo Vierros, Alifereti Tawake, Francis Hickey, Ana Tiraa, Rahera Noa , United Nations University – Institute for Advenced Studies , 2010 

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